How to Transfer Your Photos Onto Wax Candles
Here’s an idea for a fun weekend project and/or personalized gift: make some custom candles that feature your photographs. It’s actually incredibly easy, and you may already have the necessary materials lying around at home.
You start out by taping some thin tissue paper onto a sheet of ordinary printer paper.
Print your photograph(s) onto the tissue paper using any standard home printer.
Cut out the tissue paper section that contains your photo and remove it from the thicker sheet of paper that backed it.
Place the printed photo onto the candle, wrap it in some wax paper, and then heat it up with some hot air. Canon recommends an embossing gun, but you can use a blowdryer as well.
Once the candle melts a tiny bit, the photograph will be firmly embedded into the wax. Remove your wax paper to see your finished work.
It’s a cheap and easy way to decorate a space or to make a fun, personal gift for someone in your life.
Here’s Canon’s video tutorial on doing this project:
P.S. This similar craft idea was also briefly mentioned in a video we shared late last year with 6 easy DIY photo project ideas. That one showed you can do the same thing with a color laserjet print on ordinary printer paper, but tissue paper is thinner and should transfer more seamlessly onto candles.
Image credits: Video and stills by Canon USA