
Infographic: How to Become a Pro Photographer

Becoming a professional photographer is pretty "easy" in one sense, yet incredibly "hard" in another. The lower and lower barriers of entry makes jumping in easy, but developing yourself and your business in the industry can be a challenge that takes a lot of time, effort, and dedication.

To help aspiring photographers take their first baby steps toward that goal, UK-based wedding photographer Robert Sail has created a giant infographic that serves as a roapmap.

How to Use Facebook Ads to Reach Couples as a Wedding Photographer

Facebook ads are some of the best and cheapest sources for advertising a new wedding photography business.

When I first started wedding photography a few years ago, business was slow. I got all my inquires through Gumtree (an English version of Craiglist) and organic search traffic, and I only booked around 8 weddings in my first year. I still had a day job at this point, so could still get by.