
Review: The PFixer MiniMal MIDI Controller Fixes Up Your Lightroom Workflow

Developing an efficient workflow is probably one of the greatest battles of any photographer, self included. This applies doubly to the professional who works from home, with so many distractions all trying to peel me away from sitting at that desk any longer than I have to. It's a challenge to stay on point, day to day, getting work done in a timely fashion, especially when hey, I'm a photographer, I should be out photographing things, right? Thankfully the Pusher Labs' PFixer and MiniMal is here to help.

Use Science to Become More Productive as a Photographer

Want to learn how to be more productive with your photography? Instead of simply "trying harder" and relying on your willpower, a better way may be to take simple steps that have been shown to be effective by science. The above 3-minute video, created by artists/educators Mitchell Moffit and Gregory Brown, offers some tips that science has taught us about being more efficient at working and spending less time getting our work accomplished.