
Top 5 Places to Photograph in Meteora, Greece

An ancient beauty of nature and human engineering, Meteora is a UNESCO-listed Monastery Complex located in northern Greece. Composed of tall vertical cliffs and century-old monasteries, this beautiful landscape draws a solid crowd of visitors every year.

Photo Opportunities: An Interview with Artist Corinne Vionnet

Corinne Vionnet is a visual artist based in Switzerland. Her work has been exhibited at Jenisch Museum, Vevey, Switzerland; Arts Santa Monica, Barcelona; Les Rencontres d'Arles; Fotomuseum, Antwerp; La Maison Européenne de la photographie, Paris; the Museum of Contemporary Art, Denver; Art Museum, Sion, Switzerland; Chelsea Art Museum, New York and the Musée des Beaux-Arts, Lausanne.

Corinne Vionnet's series Photo Opportunities explores our fascination with famous landmarks throughout the world. Through the process of combining hundreds of snapshots of popular tourist destinations, she is able to create a collective impression of how these places are represented, and how we imagine them in our own minds.

These images are made by not one single point of view, but many, and they have the ability to open conversation about how images connect us; and about the ways in which we share thoughts and experiences about common subjects.