
KelbyOne Launches New $10 a Month Subscription Plan with 300+ Online Photography Courses

Steve Brazill of This Week in Photography called KelbyOne’s photography education “the standard by which all online training is judged.” Tens of thousands of dedicated members in over 120 countries around the world would certainly agree with Steve, but until now KelbyOne’s Pro Plan has been a little pricey for some. Well, that all changed as KelbyOne just officially launched their new KelbyOne Plus Plan, which includes access to 300+ of their most popular online courses on Photoshop, Lightroom, and photography for just $9.99 a month.

Quick Tip: How to Fix Uneven Eyes in Photoshop

Here's a quick how-to that will probably come in handy sometime down the road for every portrait photographer. Have you ever shot a portrait where one of your subject's eyes was partially closed and it made everything look strange and uneven? Scott Kelby shows you how to fix it in Photoshop.

Big Names Laid Off as KelbyOne Refocuses on ‘Core Principles’

If you've received any photography and Photoshop training and news from Scott Kelby's KelbyOne, you probably recognize the names Pete Collins, RC Concepcion, Brad Moore, and Mia McCormick. Those are a few of the big names who are now looking for a new job -- they are being laid off by KelbyOne as the company attempts to refocus on its "core principles" of training creatives.