
Video Game Photos by a Top Wedding Photographer

Ray Soemarsono of Apertura is a wedding photographer from Southern California who has received major accolades and awards for his work. More recently, Soemarsono has been receiving attention for a different kind of photography: photos shot inside the virtual world of a video game.

NVIDIA Unveils ‘Ansel’ to Transform Video Game Photography

As video games become more and more realistic, some artists have made names for themselves by shooting artistic in-game photographs (AKA screenshots). Now NVIDIA wants to bring in-game photography to the masses: the graphics company just announced "Ansel," a new virtual photography tool that's ready to appear in many future games.

Fear and Loathing in GTA V

Sometimes I make brief escapes from the humdrum of city life and venture into the woods to capture the majesty of nature. I ride around on my bicycle like a madman looking for interesting subjects to capture. The last time I did this, my beloved camera bounced out of my pocket somewhere along the bumpy road; I’d gotten some good shots that day, quite a few actually, and keeping a stoic attitude while backtracking in search of my lost camera became increasingly difficult. Not only was the camera lost, I was lost.