
This Selfie Toaster Can Burn Your Portrait Onto Your Morning Toast

Want further evidence of how far the concept of a "selfie" has spread in our culture? Look no further than this wacky Selfie Toaster by the Vermont Novelty Toaster Corp. Simply provide your favorite shot of your beautiful face, and the company will send you a toaster that can burn your likeness into toast for your morning meal.

Photos Depicting the Slow Decay of a City Made of Bread

In 2009, Swedish artist Johanna Mårtensson read an article that described how well the Earth would do if humans simply ceased to exist. Within a few centuries, most buildings would be collapsed or collapsing as animals, plants and bacteria re-established the social order in cities once ruled by the curious primate Homo sapien.

The article got her creative juices flowing, and ultimately led to a photo installation called "Decor:" a city built by Mårtensson entirely out of bread, and left to decompose as she took daily photos over the course of 6 months.