
Bad Advice to Ignore as a Beginner Landscape Photographer

When you’re beginning a new endeavor it’s common to receive advice from various different sources, whether it’s directly from someone or indirectly from books, podcasts or tutorial videos. Some of this advice can be highly beneficial and others can be, well not so good.

Opinion: The Problem with Many of the ‘Photographers’ on YouTube

Professional event photographer and photography teacher Mik Milman recently published a video that's bound to receive some mixed reactions. In it, Milman laments the dearth of experience of many photographers who pass themselves off as "experts" on YouTube, earning thousands of followers and possibly misleading beginners by offering bad advice and unqualified critiques.

Expose to the Left: How to Really Maximize Image Quality at Night

We hear everyone in the photography industry talking about image quality, image quality, image quality. We especially hear about this in any circle of people chatting (or writing) about night photography. Conversations (and books, articles and blog posts) are rife with opinions and advice about how to push the limits of our cameras and lenses in order to get the best image quality in low-light situations.

Living a Satisfying and Fulfilling Life Won’t Improve Your Photography

Recently, I have seen a number of misconceptions floating around regarding the best way to improve oneself as a photographer. As a highly experienced photographer whose photos have been on the bottom of the Flickr Explore page on numerous occasions, I feel qualified to correct many of these assumptions and damaging tendencies.