Russian Martial Arts School Teaches How to Use the Selfie Stick as a Weapon

Venues around the world have banned selfie sticks due to concerns about them being used as weapons. If you think that’s a ridiculous reason, get this: a martial arts center in Moscow, Russia, has launched a new course on how to use a selfie stick as a weapon for self defense.

BBC News reports that the class is geared toward tourists who travel with selfie sticks to take pictures of their vacations. They’re often the target of muggings, and “the only means of defense that all travelers have is the selfie stick,” one of the organizers tells M24.

The martial arts academy also points out that tourists lure muggers by clearly showing that they have expensive smartphones on the other hand of their selfie sticks. Through the 5 lesson course, students learn how to use their camera accessory against people experienced in boxing, wresting, mixed martial arts, and other types of fighting.

“It’s not known if proponents of mpd-fight will be able to use their skills in places where the sticks are banned,” BBC News says.
