Expectations Vs. Reality: Getting Your Very First DSLR
Purchasing your first DSLR is a big, important moment in your photographic journey, whether or not you ever intend to make photography more than just a hobby. However, the reality of purchasing and owning your first DSLR is often a lot less exciting than what you imagined while you were saving up to buy it.
Here to point out just a few of the depressing realities of owning your first DSLR is none other than the DigitalRev team.
From the ‘sticker shock’ you experience when you first start shopping, to the difference between the photos you expect to take and the ones you’ll actually take, the four minute video brings a healthy, humorous dose of reality to owning your very first DSLR.
Whether you’re about to make your first purchase or just want to reminisce on the not-so-good ol’ days, press play and be prepared for some chuckles or tears depending on whether you’re looking forward or behind.