Using Disposable Cameras as Makeshift One-Time-Use Toy Cameras

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When visiting Lancaster, Pennsylvania recently, Portland, Oregon-based photographer Lindsey Boccia made the mistake of not bringing her camera bag along for the journey. Boccia wanted to play around with analog photography, so she decided to buy some disposable cameras.

A quick visit to a nearby camera shop netted her four one-time-use cameras for about $6 each. She then “distressed” them to turn them into experimental lo-fi toy cameras.

Disposable cameras don’t exactly produce high-quality images to begin with, but Boccia wanted to add some custom “filters” of her own to alter the look of the resulting images.

First, she modified the lenses by scratching them with her car key and applying chapstick to the surface (this gives the photos a hazy/dreamy look). She also peeled off the labels covering the cameras and cracked the cases open to introduce light leaks.

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Here are some of the resulting photographs captured with the makeshift one-time-use toy cameras:

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Boccia says she was pleased by the “fun” results, and points out that the whole thing wasn’t meant to be a serious exercise in photography, but rather a “fun photo experiment.”

P.S. You can find some of Boccia’s “hi-fi” photographs over on her photography website.

P.P.S. Know of any other clever modifications you can make to disposable cameras to change the look of the photographs that result? Share your techniques with us in the comments!

Image credits: Photographs by Lindsey Boccia and used with permission
