FoCal Unveils an Online Tool for Camera and Lens Performance Comparisons


Reikan Technology, the company behind the FoCal automatic lens calibration tool, tells us that it has released a new web-based tool for researching the performance of camera and lens combinations.

It’s a simple graph that presents photographers with two drop-down menus. The first is a list of cameras — there’s currently only a number of Canon and Nikon models to choose from — and the second is a list of compatible lenses.

Once you select a combination, the tool digs into the company’s pool of calibration data uploaded by thousands of FoCal users, and presents its findings in a simple visual way.

The resulting charts show how sharp the camera/lens combination is across the aperture range, what the focus consistency of the pair is like on average, and the typical autofocus microadjustment needed for that pair.


If you haven’t seen a chart like these before, here’s a tutorial page that provides a primer on interpreting them.

The tool provides a pretty interesting look at how popular DSLR gear is performing for photographers around the world. It’s just a shame that there aren’t too many camera/lens combos to choose from yet (FoCal currently only supports a similarly exclusive list of Canon and Nikon DSLRs).

Lens/Camera Information Online Tool [FoCal]
