Clone Portraits Show Woman Before and After Losing 150 Pounds
Photographer Blake Morrow shot a creative series of clone photos showing his friend Beth Beard before and after she lost 150 pounds. The portraits were taken two years apart and combined into pop-culture inspired clone photos showing old Beth interacting with new Beth. It’s a series titled The Beth Project.

Beard and Morrow held the first photo shoot two years ago, two weeks before Beard underwent gastric bypass surgery. They shot 12 “before” photos of Beard dressed up as different characters and posing with an invisible character.
Two years later, after Beard’s dramatic change in weight, they held a second photo shoot for the “after” photos. The duo then combined the before and after images into single photos, and their vision was complete.
You can check out the entire The Beth Project series over on Morrow’s website.
Image credits: Photographs by Blake Morrow and used with permission