Lets You Shrink Your Image File Size Up to 90% Without Losing Quality

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If you’ve been following PetaPixel for a little while, then you know that the idea of a web app that shrinks down the file size of your images without “noticeable” loss in quality is nothing new. JPEGmini has been doing it for years. So what is it that makes the new web app stand out?

There is one major advantage has over its counterpart, and that is file type. Where JPEGmini worked only on (duh) JPEGs, can handle JPEG, PNG, GIF and SVG files. You also get to choose between lossless and lossy compression, although lossless is limited to JPG and PNG.

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There are a couple of downsides. The upload file size is limited to 10MB, and as far as I can tell from my brief run-through, you can’t upload multiple files at once like you could with JPEGmini.

But if none of that is a concern, and you’re looking to save some bandwidth on your blog or website, might be worth a shot. Not all images will shrink a lot — while they advertise “up to 90% file size reduction” I had one image that shrunk exactly 0%, regardless of whether lossless or lossy was selected — but every little bit counts.

And if you want to find out more about the JPEGmini we mentioned in this post several times, check out our previous coverage of that application by clicking here.

(via Lifehacker)
