Photographs of the Sky, Captured Across New York City at the Same Moment


When people living in the same city look up into the sky, they likely see the same clouds and colors, albeit from slightly different perspectives. Exactly how different are these perspectives? In a recent project called Same Sky NY, photographers living in New York City came together to find out.

The project was born back in early March 2013 after Gothamist used a photograph by photographer Emily Raw to illustrate a weather article:


Another New Yorker named Christine Jordan then noticed how similar the photo was to one of her own shots, captured just moments earlier from a different location in Brooklyn:

Jordan's photo (left) and Raw's photo (right)
Jordan’s photo (left) and Raw’s photo (right)

After exchanging emails, the two decided to launch a project that would experiment with “photo serendipity citywide”. They set up a Tumblr page for the project, came up with the hashtag #sameskyny to identify submissions, and then asked photographers based in New York City to snap a photograph of the sky at exactly 7:30PM on Wednesday, May 1st.

Here are some of the photographs that resulted:

Photograph by Led Bradshaw
Photograph by Led Bradshaw
Photograph by Axel Taferner
Photograph by Axel Taferner
Photograph by Emily Raw
Photograph by Emily Raw
Photograph by Axel Taferner
Photograph by Axel Taferner
Photograph by Billy Gray
Photograph by Billy Gray
Photograph by Emily Raw
Photograph by Emily Raw
Photograph by Apoorva
Photograph by Apoorva
Photograph by kunk247
Photograph by kunk247
Photograph by Mike Gutkin
Photograph by Mike Gutkin
Photograph by gmp3
Photograph by gmp3

Notice how many of the photographs show the airplane contrails in the sky.

You can visit the project and see more of the submitted photographs over on its website.

Same Sky NY (via PotB)
