Operation Photo Rescue Restores Photos Damaged in Natural Disasters for Free


Natural disasters are tragic for many reasons. Assuming, most importantly, that you and your loved ones come through one such disaster healthy, you immediately begin the process of putting your life back together. And even though top priorities are probably your home, cars, critical documents, and so on, those things are replaceable; the photos that may have also been damaged or destroyed are not.

Operation Photo Rescue is an organization that understands this, and its volunteers want to do everything in their power to help.

A couple of months after a natural disaster hits a region, OPR will go and set up shop in the area for a few days, offering free photo restoration. The volunteers of OPR are a mix of professional photojournalists, amateur digital photographers, graphic designers, image restoration artists and others, all of whom contribute what they can to the process.

Here’s OPR’s short “About Us” video:

In a couple of weeks, OPR is planning on making a trip to New York City and offering its services to those affected by Hurricane Sandy. The organization will be there between 10am and 5pm on February 2nd and 3rd at 33 West 21st St, Room 101c in Manhattan.

Durring those times, anybody affected by the storm can bring up to 20 photos that will then be digitally captured, restored, printed and shipped back to the owner at no cost. If you are in need of photo restoration, you can either walk in or set up an appointment ahead of time by clicking here.

To learn more about OPR and its upcoming efforts in New York, head over to the organization’s website and/or read the entire press release here.
