
Miniature Moments Turns Photos into Detailed 3D Miniatures

Miniature Moments is a new service that uses 3D printing to turn photographs into 3D resin "miniatures". The small passport photo-sized creations measure 46mm x 37mm, and don't look very impressive until they're held up to light. Once it's illuminated from behind, then it turns into a highly detailed photograph that resembles developed film.

iPhone SLR Mount Lets You Attach Your Fancy Canon and Nikon Lenses

If for some reason you've always wanted pair up your SLR lenses with the tiny sensor found on the iPhone 4, Photojojo has a new mount that can make your dream come true. The package includes a special aluminum case for your phone, a UV filter attachment, and the lens adapter, and almost guarantees that you'll be the strangest looking iPhone shooter on your street.

Store Your Treasures in this Polaroid Camera Locket

Etsy seller Mariko Carandang sells handmade jewelry, and one of her products is this small treasure locket that's meant to look a little like the Polaroid SX-70.

The treasure locket is perfect for those of us who find and get attached to small objects that get lost in the bottom of a pocket or handbag, but don't quite fit in a wallet. It will keep those trifling but meaningful objects close to you at all times. You can use it to carry a tiny photograph or a good luck charm. Keep a scroll of paper with your favorite quote on it-- a quote you mean to live by.