
Make it Now: You Can Photograph It, Or Let It Pass You By, But You May Never See It Again

This moment, this light, in Cape Churchill last week: it didn’t last long. You can photograph it, or let it pass you by. But you may never see it again.

Last week I was sitting in a tundra buggy not photographing polar bears. The bears, driven by a months-long hunger were out on the sea ice, hunting seals. If we’d been there a couple days earlier we’d have had more time with them. But you can’t do anything about the weather, and you never know these things in advance. What you do know, is what’s in front of your face, and that -- at least for one day on this trip -- was polar bears.

For Jennifer, Whomever You Are

Jennifer is a composite of all the students who’ve asked me to look at their work online and offer some advice. My advice has changed over the years.