A Funny Video Editing Parody that Photographers Will Totally Relate To


The creative process can be a painful one, but once in a while it’s a good idea to laugh at our pain and remember that you’re not alone. To that end, this humorous video by the folks at Lixi Studios is bound to elicit a chuckle… and perhaps a groan.

The video is titled “How To Edit A Video In SEVEN EASY Steps!! (Regret may vary..)” and while it’s targeted at videographers and video editors, any photographer who has spent days in front of Lightroom and Photoshop (followed by long, angst-ridden walks on the beach) will totally relate.

And don’t worry, it’s not all a bummer. The video ends on a positive, uplifting note that might just encourage you to sit back down in front of your computer and keep… on… editing.
