
36 Awe-Inspiring Sun, Moon, and Milky Way Photos of 2020

The popular outdoor photo planning app PhotoPills has picked 36 of the best Sun, Moon, and Milky Way photos captured by photographers in its community over the past year. If you need some photo inspiration and enjoy night sky shots, this is the gallery for you.

Tragic Photo of a Monkey in a Human Mask Wins GDT Wildlife Photographer of the Year

Earlier this week, The German Society for Nature Photography (GDT) unveiled the winners of its prestigious European Wildlife Photographer of the Year contest, crowning photographer Jasper Doest the "Overall Winner" for his moving photograph of a despondent macaque removing a human mask between performances in a sake house north of Tokyo.

Winners of the Minimalist Photography Awards Prove that Less is More

The winners of the 2nd annual Minimalist Photography Awards were announced just last week, and if you're looking for proof that "less is more" when it comes to photography... you've come to the right place. Many of the winners are masterful examples of simplicity in composition.

AIPP Silver Lining Awards Show Off Some of Australia’s Best Photography

In an attempt to make the best of a difficult year, the Australian Institute Of Professional Photography (AIPP) put on a unique photo contest. Called the "Silver Lining Awards," the competition didn't just highlight some of the best photography in Australia, it gave contestants a chance to improve their work before submitting final images.

These are the Winners of the 2020 iPhone Photography Awards

This morning, the iPhone Photography Awards—the first and longest running iPhone photography competition—unveiled the winners of its 13th annual contest. As usual, these images represent the best of smartphone photography from around the world, and show what's possible with just a phone, an understanding of light, and a good eye.

These are the Winners of the 2020 Sony World Photography Awards

The World Photography Organization has revealed the winners of this year's Sony World Photography Awards, one of the most prestigious competitions in the industry. Each image—from the overall winner, to the category winners, to the Open, Student, and Youth winners—demonstrate the power of photography to not only capture a meaningful moment, but to send a powerful message.

Photo of a Curious Hare Wins Nature Photographer of the Year 2020

The German Society for Nature Photography (GDT) has revealed the winners of this year's GDT Nature Photographer of the Year: a stunning set of images of the natural world that range from wildlife photos, to landscapes, to "water," which got a special category all its own this year.

2020 Pulitzer Prizes Won by Photos of Protests in Hong Kong and Oppression in Kashmir

The Pulitzer Prize has officially revealed the winners for 2020. The prize for Breaking News Photography went to the entire Reuters photography staff for their coverage of pro-democracy protests in Hong Kong, while the prize for Feature Photography was awarded to Channi Anand, Mukhtar Khan and Dar Yasin of the Associated Press for their striking documentary photos of life in Kashmir.

Impressive Drone Shot of Lounging Seals Wins Nature TTL Photo Contest

Nature TTL—the online nature photography resource—has revealed the winners of their newly minted "Photographer of the Year" awards, and oh man did the community deliver. From stunning aerial shots to a life-and-death struggle between a Pelican and its prey, there's a lot to love here.

5 Awe-Inspiring Adventure Photos Win Top Prize at First Annual ROAM Awards

ROAM, the global adventure community founded by some of the best photographers and filmmakers in the world, has announced the winners of the first annual ROAM Awards: a wanderlust-inducing set of photos, videos, and essays that will have you reaching for your camera with one hand and booking a plane ticket with the other.