
Dramatic Studio Portraits of Big Cats by NatGeo Photographer Vincent J Musi

National Geographic's Vincent J Musi will quite literally do whatever it takes to get the animal portrait he's looking for, including kneeling in urine while singing Tom Jones' "What's New Pussycat?" to a growling Snow Leopard... hand gestures included.

Fortunately, the trick works (was it the hand gestures? he wonders), "mesmerized and captivated by [his] theatrical prowess and virtuosit," the Snow Leoppard stops and stares at the yummi, camera-wielding steak. One down, seven to go.

Photos of Skunk Owners Showing Off Their Quirky Choice of Pet at Skunk Fest

Behold the work of South Carolina-based photographer Vincent J Musi and one of the most unusual photo sets you're likely to run across today. As part of an April cover story for National Geographic on “exotic” pet owners, Musi went out and photographed the owners of an animal most of us wouldn't dare bringing into our homes: skunks.