
Slide vs Color Negative Film: How They Compare and When to Use Each

Film is on the resurgence as of late. Transparency film is another option from your regular negative film, but what is it exactly? When would you use transparency instead? How does it compare to C-41 or print film? And what is the dynamic range of transparency film? In this article, we'll answer those questions and more.

5 Common File Types in Photography and When You Should Use Each One

You’ve spent the last few hours working on the perfect photo shoot and everything went better than you could have possibly imagined. After importing the RAW files to your PC and making a few edits in Photoshop, it is time to save your masterpiece. But, what file type do you select? With over twenty different file types to choose from, we are here to break down some of the most popular and tell you a bit about their strengths and weaknesses.