
This Can Tell You if Your Canon 50mm f/1.8 II is a Fake

It's not just memory cards that are widely counterfeited in the photo industry: there are plenty of fake cameras and lenses floating around as well. Now Canon wants you to know about a quick and easy way to see if your 50mm f/1.8 II lens is a knockoff.

Canon Warns of Fake 600EX-RT Flashes; Here Are the Telltale Signs

In addition to fake DSLRs and fake memory cards, there are also fake flash units in camera bags around the world. We first shared a look at this issue back in September 2013, but today Canon issued a new warning about counterfeit versions of the Speedlite 600EX-RT, which was introduced in 2012.

Real vs. Counterfeit Nikon Accessories

One sad truth about the photo industry is that there's a ton of counterfeit products floating around, and unless you buy directly from a reputable source, it can be difficult to know for sure whether you're getting the real thing. Last month we posted on how up to 1/3 of memory cards labeled "SanDisk" are actually counterfeit. Over on Nikon's website, there's a support page that shows photographs of counterfeit Nikon accessories next to genuine ones, with many of them almost indistinguishable from each other. Some of the counterfeit products are so real-looking that the only difference is a slightly different screw, or a slightly brighter logo.