
Stampede: A Stamp that Turns Any Photo Into a USPS-Approved Postcard

Even though a common problem these days is taking pictures we never end up printing or looking at ever again, a lot of photographers (and non-photographers for that matter) still have boxes of old prints sitting around the house or attic collecting dust.

If you're wanting to put some of those old prints to use in a creative way and put a smile on a friend or family member's face at the same time, the creators of Stampede are here to help.

Postagram Now Lets You Send Postcard Photos for Free… with Ads

We told you about the Postagram app/service by Sincerely all the way back in 2011 when it first made landfall. Using the free app, users could select photos, pay $1, and have them slapped onto a postcard and sent to whomever they chose.

Now, with help from a few companies that are eager to get their brand in front of your eyes, Postagram is adding the ability to send free, advertiser sponsored post cards that won't cost you a thing.

Cameras Sculpted Using Found Paper

Artist Jennifer Collier uses found and recycled paper as if it were fabric to recreate common household objects, including cameras! Here are a few that were made using maps, postcards, and letters.