
The Best Photos from GuruShots’ ‘Traveling The World’ Challenge

GuruShots, the "World's Greatest Photo Game," has announced the winners of its "Traveling The World" challenge, which received thousands of entries and over 66.9 million votes. The "Top Photographer" winner of the contest is Iryna Raichuk of Switzerland (whose photo is seen above).

Reddit Has Finally Added Support for Photo Galleries

15 years after its inception, Reddit has finally, mercifully added the ability to create and post interactive photo galleries. No longer will you need to rely on Imgur or another service if you need to post more than one image at a time

Twitter Launches User Photo Galleries

Twitter, Google+, and Facebook are one step closer to becoming clones of each other (at least when it comes to photo sharing) -- Twitter has rolled out photo galleries that display the 100 most recent images Tweeted by users in chronological order.