
Gorgeous Aerial Drone Footage of Antarctica

Kalle Ljung of Stockholm, Sweden, recently spent 16 days touring the Antarctic with his 73-year-old father. He brought along a DJI Phantom 2 drone with a GoPro HERO3+ Black camera to document the trip from above. The footage he captured is gorgeous and can be experienced in the 8-minute short film above, titled "Antarctica."

DJI Mandatory Firmware Update Will Disable Camera Drones in Washington DC’s No Fly Zone

Yesterday we reported that a DJI Phantom quadcopter operator had accidentally crashed his camera drone onto the lawn of the White House at 3 in the morning, causing a security panic among those tasked with ensuring the President's safety (later reports suggest the man was drunk).

DJI wants to make sure this type of incident never happens again: the company is issuing a mandatory firmware update that will disable its camera drones in Washington DC's no fly zone.