
Photographing Coffee and Cacao in Peru

I was assigned by Fair Trade to go to northern Peru and photograph cacao and coffee production for the Australian and New Zealand markets. The idea was to show a little of the story of both products and the people behind them before they make it to your cup. I am a very enthusiastic consumer of both coffee and chocolate, in liquid or slab form. So as far as I was concerned, it was an assignment made in food heaven.

A Deadly Tradition: Covering Peru’s Annual Bloody Slingshot Battle

"We have to be humane," said the driver. It was nine o'clock at night, and since six there had been no cars or buses on the plain of Chiaraje. We were the last unnatural disruption of the monotonous highland landscape, abandoned with a failed engine.

A Camera Drone Flies Over New Year’s Eve Fireworks in Lima, Peru

When the clock strikes midnight on New Year's Eve in the capital city of Lima, Peru, things get crazy. People shoot fireworks high into the sky from the streets and from the roots of buildings, creating a spectacular light show.

Photographer Jeff Cremer was in Lima this year and decided to use his camera drone to capture what the crazy fireworks display looks like from above. It "looks like the start of the air campaign in Iraq," Cremer says.