
Nikon Develops Camera with 4 Lenses and 4 Sensors

The multi-aperture computational camera is an exciting technology that's emerging in the world of photography, and it appears that Nikon wants in. The company has patented a "4-eye" camera that packs 4 lenses and 4 sensors.

Light L16 is a Point-and-Shoot That Packs 16 Cameras for 52MP Photos

The stealthy camera startup Light today announced a revolutionary new point-and-shoot camera that aims to transform the way we think about cameras. Called the L16, it packs 16 separate cameras across its surface that simultaneously expose photos at different focal lengths. The resulting images are combined into high-resolution, 52-megapixel photos.

Guerin Pinhole Lens 1

A Homemade Camera That Uses Twenty Separate Lenses

What's cooler than a multi-cell pinhole camera? How about a multi-cell pinhole camera upgraded to a lensed version? That's exactly what James Guerin has put together as a follow-up to a previous lens-less camera experiment.