
Photographer Captures Shots of Hawks Exchanging Food in Midair

Photographer Phoo Chan was shooting in Coyote Hills Regional Park in Fremont, California, recently when he spotted hawks doing food exchanges in midair. The photo above is a 5-shot composite showing a male Northern Harrier passing a small bird it caught to one of its three offspring.

Here are Portraits of Dogs Flying Through the Air

We've featured photos of dogs underwater, mid-shake, during bath time and in the middle of a gratuitous lick... but this is the first set of portraits we've seen that capture dogs in-flight.

Well, not quite flight... more like 'falling with style,' to borrow a line from Toy Story.

BTS: How the Sony Skydive Lens Change Ad Was Filmed… and No It Wasn’t Fake

There's no doubt the ubiquity of fake and mis-reported content on the Internet has turned many of us into big-time skeptics. Whenever we see something that seems incredible or outlandish, our knee-jerk reaction is to call it fake and begin searching for evidence of that fact, using our confirmation bias as a guide.

One video that elicited such a response from many of the people that saw it was this recent Sony ad that showed an a7R lens change happening in mid-air during a skydive.

Photographer Chases the Perfect Eclipse Shot at 44,000ft and 500mph

Forget storm chasing, that's a cinch when you compare it to what former NASA photographer Ben Cooper and some colleagues of his did last weekend: eclipse chasing. Cooper captured the shot above from a chartered jet going 500mph at 44,000ft in the air, but it was a near miss.

How to Quickly & Easily Set Up a Webcam to Take Perfect Midair Shots Every Time

Getting shots of people in midair can be a source of fun and fascination, but making them requires either a fair investment in remote triggers or a surplus of time and luck.

With a little bit of ingenuity, however, mechanical engineer Andrew Maxwell-Parish (aka Electric Slim) has made the process easy, cheap and reliable using a laptop, webcam and open-source software.