
A Life-Sized Mannequin Stop Motion Animated with the Help of Strangers

Artist Anton Hecht recently created an unusual stop motion film using photos of a giant life-sized mannequin. Instead of doing the animation themselves, the team invited random strangers who were walking by to help move the dummy around in the public square. The video above is what resulted from their help under careful direction.

Spinster Photog Lampoons Traditional Life Expectations in Mannequin Family Photos

"Enough pressure to conform will send anyone packing." That's how photographer and art director Suzanne Heintz begins the description of her viral, satirical and funny photo series Life Once Removed. Too many suggestions that she was getting a bit too old to still be single -- that she needed to "just PICK somebody" and "settle down" -- pushed her to the point where she did pick somebody.

That someone, however, was a mannequin family, which she promptly packed up in her station wagon and took on a road trip.