
Photo Enhancement is Starting to Get Crazy

As the worlds of artificial intelligence and digital photography collide, we're starting to see some mind-blowing technology emerge. The latest research in turning low-resolution photos into high-definition photos may drop your jaws -- it's starting to cross into the realm of sci-fi.

Want to See What Your Photo Would Look Like on an Old Commodore 64 Computer?

We're entering the days of 4K, 5K, and 8K monitors becoming a standard feature of workspaces, but just 30 years ago the best selling computers could only display fractions of a megapixel in resolution. The Commodore 64, the best-selling computer of all time from 1982, had a "high-resolution" mode of just 320x200 and a normal multicolor bitmapped mode of 160x200.

64yourself is a new web app that lets you see what your modern digital photos would have looked like back in the day on a C64 machine.