
Generative Fill

So, Who Owns a Photo Expanded by Adobe Generative Fill?

By this point, you've probably seen Adobe's beta of Generative Fill in Photoshop, which allows you to expand a photo beyond its original borders. It is an incredible feat of technology, but brings up complicated questions: who owns that new, expanded photo? Is it copyrightable?

France influencer bill

France Proposes Jail for Influencers Who Don’t Disclose Photoshop

There's no shortage of studies focused on understanding the effects of social media use on people, especially adolescents. Apps like Instagram may perpetuate damaging myths about physical appearance and lead people to suffer debilitating mental health conditions, low self-esteem, and even seek cosmetic surgery at higher than expected rates.

Arguing over Ai generated art rights

AI Image Generators are a New Frontier of Copyright Confusion

Artificial intelligence-powered image generators have exploded into the mainstream. Thanks to support from major stock sites, they are also an approachable route to making money. But as is almost always the case, when money gets involved, the situation quickly becomes far more complicated.