
Best 35mm Film

The Best 35mm Film in 2024

Film is back, and with its booming popularity, there are a lot of options to try. These are our top picks for the best 35mm film you can find today for a range of use cases.

Film Photography Shootout: Fujifilm Pro 400H vs Kodak Portra 400

Braedon Flynn and the folks at Film Supply Club have put together a "shootout" between two of the most popular color negative film stocks out there: Fujifilm Pro 400H and Kodak Portra 400. If you've ever wanted to compare these two side-by-side on the same scenes without going out and shooting them yourself, this film photography shootout video fits the bill.

Pushed to the Limit: Kodak Portra 3 Stops Over

At night, it can be especially difficult getting enough light to shoot film. There are no color emulsions with speeds higher than ISO 800, and most stocks don’t even exceed 400. Pushing enables you to add sensitivity past the recommended ‘box speed’ of your film.