
2019 Pulitzer Prizes Won by Photos of Migrants and Famine

The Pulitzer Prize has just announced the winners for 2019. In the area of photography, Reuters' photography staff won in the Breaking News Photography category for photos of migrants journeying to the US, and photographer Lorenzo Tugnoli of The Washington Post won for his photos of the famine in Yemen.

Dear Partisan Journalists: Don’t Drag Us Photographers Down With You

As perceptions of bias have led to devastating levels of mistrust in the media, the role of political photography has remained relatively uncontroversial. While writers might deftly tweak facts to fit a narrative, photographers covering politics have less of a scope to inject their personal opinion into their work. The camera, as they say, doesn’t lie.

NY Daily News Cuts All Photographers

The New York Daily News slashed its editorial staff in half this week, and among the casualties of the layoffs was the entire team of photographers. The paper, which called itself "New York's Picture Newspaper" for over 70 years, now has zero staff photographers.

Every Photo Comes with Built-In Debt, or: The Ethics of Photography

We tend to treat the ethics of taking photographs in a very much black and white fashion. We judge "He should never have shot that" or alternatively "She is on firm ground shooting that, it is OK" and then arguments revolve around that, never resolving anything.

Should the Media Use Official Portraits When Reporting Misconduct?

Two police officers in Georgia were fired after videos showing them brutally beating a motorist spread like wildfire on social media. A criminal investigation has been initiated over their conduct, and photos of the two officers have emerged in the media.

The Ethics of Photojournalism

From time to time when I read about Street Photography, I hear the opinion that street photographers exploit people on the street by taking their picture without asking. This opinion raises some valid questions about the ethics of Street Photography, but also shows the double standards we follow in the media.

Journalists Under Threat, From Within

Journalism is under threat from all sides. The last few years have been some of the most dangerous in history for journalists around the world; they have been killed, injured and detained in record numbers. But journalists are under threat from within as well, as some media companies seem content to eat their own.

Hillary Clinton Uses Rope to Keep Photographers in Check at Parade

A new idea by Hillary Clinton is going viral on the Web, and this one has nothing to do with government policies. While walking through the streets during the Independence Day parade in Gorham, New Hampshire, yesterday, Clinton's aides used ropes to contain and control photographers and others members of the press corps. Photos of the unusual "wrangling" quickly went viral online after being shared by reporters.