
Speed Editing a RAW Landscape Photo in 5 Minutes with Photoshop

If you're just starting out in Photoshop, Adobe Camera Raw, and/or landscape photography, here's a video you may find enlightening. Landscape photographer Joshua Cripps offers a quick walkthrough of his post-processing methods, turning a straight-out-of-camera RAW photo of a lake scene into a finished shot.

Simple Tip for Getting Tack Sharp, In Focus Landscape Photos Every Time

For landscape photographers, getting your entire scene in focus while keeping things as sharp as possible at the same time can be a challenge.

But if you follow the simple technique laid out by photographer Joshua Cripps in the tutorial above, as he puts it, it becomes "as easy as manually removing a corn syrup-based artificially-flavored confectionary product, from the infantile grasp of a newborn Homo sapien."