
The Camera is a Pen: Brainstorming as a Photographer

Lately, I’ve been thinking about the ebbs and flows of inspiration, particularly with the ups and downs of the last few years. Since I work with a variety of photographers, I get to observe their patterns of motivation, and it’s been fascinating to think about.

8 Tips for Shooting Street Portraits of Strangers

An often overlooked aspect of street photography is creating street portraits. It is a wonderful way to connect with people, to learn about an area, to hear stories, and to create interesting photographs.

8 Unfortunate Stages Every Street Photographer Goes Through

This article is a (tongue-in-cheek) description of the progression of your everyday street photographer -- the 8 stages every street photographer will inevitably find themselves journeying through. Enjoy!

Just Get the Words on the Page: On Motivation and Photography

I’ve recently been speaking with a variety of photographers about the struggles they are having, and motivation is often at the top of the list. I share a lot of these struggles, and I think a big part of any creative practice is learning to fight through them as best you can.

How to Find and Build Your Street Photography Vision

On the surface, street photography may seem like a genre of disparate and random images based completely on chance. In reality, when done well, street photography can be turned into a cohesive art form that allows a photographer to show off a strong vision.