
25 Photography Terms Every Beginner Needs to Know

If you're just starting out in photography, seeing all the technical terms being thrown around can be confusing and daunting. Apalapse created this 12-minute video with quick explanations of 25 of the most common terms you'll run into.

5 Reasons to Shoot in Raw Instead of JPEG

If you're just getting started in digital photography, you may be wondering about the choice between shooting JPEG files and shooting in raw. Here's a quick 2-minute video by B&H in which photographer David Flores explains the benefits of a raw workflow.

How to Easily Use RGB Curves to Tone Your Photos

RGB Curves can be an intimidating photo editing tool that's difficult to wrap your mind around, but they're powerful and worth learning. Photographer Conner Turmon made this helpful 8.5-minute video that explains how tone curves work and how you can use them to create professional-looking photos.

An Intro to Panning Your Camera for a Blurry Feeling of Speed

Looking to add some drama or action to your photos but not quite sure how? Look no further… In simple terms, camera panning (or motion tracking as some people call it) is a technique where you follow a moving subject, shooting with a slower shutter speed to create a feeling of speed or action.

The Top 10 Things I Wish I Had Known as a Beginner Photographer

Oh the road to becoming the best photographer you can be, you come across loads of useful information... and some not-so-useful information. Sometimes, it's hard to separate what you need to retain and what you don't. This 22-minute video is a list of things that I should have paid more attention to when I was first starting.

Learn to Use Photoshop’s Pen Tool in Just 5 Minutes

The pen tool is one of Photoshop's incredibly effective tools. But it can also be difficult to understand and master, at least from the outset, and always seems to do something just really... weird. This short video tutorial promises to make you a pen tool master in just 5 minutes.

An Introduction to Abstract Photography

Abstract photography seems to be an elusive subject, hard to nail down to a single definition. This may be due to the abstract nature of the idea of “abstraction” and perpetuating misconceptions about abstract photography.

How to Use Facebook Ads to Reach Couples as a Wedding Photographer

Facebook ads are some of the best and cheapest sources for advertising a new wedding photography business.

When I first started wedding photography a few years ago, business was slow. I got all my inquires through Gumtree (an English version of Craiglist) and organic search traffic, and I only booked around 8 weddings in my first year. I still had a day job at this point, so could still get by.

A Quick Guide to Mixing Flash with Ambient Light

Here's a short 3-minute video by Australian photographer Pete Leong on how you can set your flash and camera settings to illuminate portrait subjects while a bright sun is in the background back-lighting them.

"Although I'm using a Profoto B1 in this video you can do the same basic thing with speed lights which is what I do a lot of the time also," Leong says.

An Introduction to the Many Kinds of Clamps Used in Photo Shoots

Photographer Jay P. Morgan of The Slanted Lens made this helpful 7-minute video tutorial that provides a crash course on the different types of clamps used by photographers during shoots.

"This is not super glamorous stuff to talk about," says Morgan, "but it’s the basics that we use every single day that we’re on set."

Focus Breathing: When Focusing Your Lens Changes Your Composition

Here's a term that most of you have probably experienced before, but some of you may never have heard before. It's called "focus breathing" (or simply "breathing"), and it refers to the shift in angle of view that often occurs when you focus a lens. If you've ever carefully composed a shot, refocused, and then discovered that your composition changed, you've been a victim of focus breathing.

Nikon D810 BTS & Promo Video Roundup: Get to Know the New Nikon Shooter

There's only so much specs, a press release and a product description will tell you. And so, since there's still a month's worth of time standing between you and actually touching the new Nikon D810, we've hit up all of the Nikon YouTube channels to compile the best promo, intro and behind the scenes videos we could find.

Each video is accompanied by a short description so you know what you're in for. We hope you enjoy getting to know Nikon's newest shooter a bit better.

Common Photography Mistakes Made by Beginners Back in 1902

Why My Photographs Are Bad is a photography book for beginners first published in 1902 by a man named Charles Maus Taylor. The book contains many of the same basic tips that can be found in introductory books these days, but also many that are very specific to the way photography was done at the time. Here's a selection of common mistakes that newbie photographers were making over 100 years ago.