
How I Earn $200,000+ a Year from Photography

It's kind of a crazy thing: I believe you can stay true to your roots, values, and ethics, and also get rich. In this post, I'll share some of the secrets of how I earn over $200,000 a year as a "photographer."

How I Turned $3,000 Into a Successful Fine Art Photo Business

About a year and half ago, after what seemed like a lifetime of living paycheck-to-paycheck (paying off student loans and other debts) my wife and I were sitting in the office of a financial advisor with money to invest. After hearing the options to best set us up for retirement, he asked, “What are your goals?”

How I Shot Portraits at the Canadian Football League Awards Ceremony

I have found it difficult to specialize in one genre of photography as a full-time photographer in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. Winnipeg is considered the smallest big city in Canada, and I find myself doing a whole lot of everything, including but not limited to: portraits, food, architecture, events, and a lot of other random gigs.