
Grammy Winners’ Official Portraits Released to the Public for the First Time

Photographer Danny Clinch has served as the official backstage portrait photographer at the Grammys for more than a decade, but his shots have largely stayed out of the public eye. One of the traditions of the awards is that Clinch's portraits are privately sent to the winning music artists as keepsakes.

However, this year was different. The Recording Academy decided to break tradition this past Sunday by releasing Clinch's portraits online for the public to see immediately after the awards.

Artist Puts Photos of Himself in Grammy Museum, They Remain for a Month

Los Angeles-based musician Paz Dylan recently pulled a pretty funny prank on the Grammy Museum in LA. He made a series of informational wall display pieces featuring strange descriptions and photographs of himself eating tacos, and then hung them up on the walls of the museum next to the real pieces. That's pretty clever, but get this: no one noticed, and the pieces stayed up for a month.

The photograph above is a piece he made for the "Wall of Fame."