
Why Polaroid’s Cube Action Cam is Special

Shopping for an action camera is like shopping for adhesive bandages: you either buy Band-Aids ... or you pick up something  called "Aid Plus Bandages" because they're on sale. And when you bring them home, you just call them Band-Aids anyway.

‘Spirit Photo’ Forgeries Prove Fake Photo Controversies Existed Way Before Adobe

Spirit photography, a type of photography which claims to capture ghosts and spirits via a photographic process, dates back to the middle of the 19th century. Photographers would act as "mediums" to the spiritual realm and do their best to pull a fast one on unsuspecting customers.

This particular series of images was captured by photographers Craig and George Falconers, a pair of charlatans who worked in the early part of the 20th century.

BTS: Photographer Goes on an Adventure to Shoot an Abandoned Prison

Do you enjoy adventure? I mean, REALLY enjoy adventure, not just taking a walk through your local woods. Well, if you do, you'll enjoy this. Put together by photographer Mike Palmer and cinematographer Jon Simonassi, this video shows their journey to photograph an abandoned prison in Ontario, Canada.

Ghostly Buildings Created by Combining Before and After Photos of Demolitions

Philadelphia-based architect and photo enthusiast Andrew Evans has an interesting series of photographs titled Demolition Composites, which contains photographs of ghostly buildings spotted around the City of Brotherly Love. The technique used to create them is extremely basic. Evans took photographs of the buildings, and then rephotographed the same location after the building had been demolished (cleared away for new construction projects).

By compositing the before and after photographs together, Evans ended up with images that offer a final, fading look at the beautiful buildings that once occupied the new construction sites.