
Why Retouchers Don’t Get Paid (and What They Can Do About It)

I recently saw yet another story on Facebook where a retoucher got screwed by a client. It’s always sad to see this happen. Over the years, I have managed to build a ripping-off-proof on-boarding and payment workflow to make sure I never end up in that kind of situation. Forces Your Clients to Pay Before They Get Their Images

You've probably heard the horror stories... they go something like this: photographer gets job, photographer does job, photographer delivers images to client, client disappears without paying photographer. It's a tale as old as time, and it's exactly what a new service called intends to stop.

How to Survive as Quality Photography Becomes Less Scarce

When the web first emerged, web design knowledge was a scarce commodity, and developers were able to charge ridiculous amounts of money to create simple websites. Now that everyone and their mother knows how to do simple HTML, you'll need to learn a lot more and offer something unique to stand a chance in the freelance market.

The exact same thing is happening in the photography industry. As the cost of shooting, printing, and distributing photos goes down, simply knowing how to take "good pictures" is no longer enough.