
TIME Sends War Photographer to Shoot Zombies in a Video Game

Conflict photographer Ashley Gilbertson was recently sent into a very different war zone by TIME. Instead of capturing images of human versus human conflict in real life, Gilbertson was told to document the main characters in the video game The Last of Us Remastered.

How Playing Video Games Can Help You Become a Better Street Photographer

People ask me, “Jun Shen, how do you shoot so fast on the streets?!?” I’m like a ninja, whipping out my camera, shooting it, and putting it away so quickly that my subjects don’t know what hit them. They walk away whispering to themselves, “What was that? Did he take our photo?

It’s thanks to video games, folks. Read on to find out why.

Photographs Recreated Inside a Computer Game

New media artist Kent Sheely took some of his old photographs and recreated them inside the sandbox physics game Garry's Mod. Each "virtual photo" took about 2-3 hours to recreate: Sheely had to pick out models, set up objects, tweak details, and position everything while looking through the stationary camera view in the game.