
Why I Will Never Give Up on My Travel Photography Dream

After a recent bad experience in Ukraine, I returned to the UK upset, fed up and tired of things not going my way. I can't get into details about what happened in Ukraine and although it was personal, it acted as a catalyst which then got me reflecting negatively on other areas of my life too.

Do What You Can’t: An Inspirational Message for Creators

You can't. You can't be a photographer. You can't make money taking pictures. You can't capture good photos unless you have this camera, or this lens, or you go to this workshop. Aspiring photographers hear "you can't" a lot... and Casey Neistat has a message for you: it's total BS.

Starting from Scratch: Becoming a Photographer in Your 30s

You've probably seen photographer Sean Tucker's work around, on PetaPixel if nowhere else, but did you know he didn't start his photographic journey until his 30s? In this video, he shares his inspirational journey from priest, to photographer/waiter, to full-time photographer.