
Fisherman Casts Line and Catches a Camera Drone

Tice Ledbetter was flying his DJI camera drone over a pier at Pacific Beach in San Diego this week when something bizarre happened: a fisherman on the pier noticed his drone, cast his fishing line at it, and hooked the quadcopter right below one of the propellers. The whole thing was captured by the drone in the video above.

The GoFish Cam is an Undewater Action Camera for People Who Fish

Submersible action cameras are nothing new to the marketplace, but two brothers have teamed up to design a unit specifically geared at those who fish, and they are turning to KickStarter to get it funded. The unit is aptly named the ‘GoFish Cam’ and sits on your fishing line while capturing footage down to 100m without wobble. Additionally, built-in night vision ensures that you’ll never miss the shot.

Lake Tahoe Fisherman Pulls In Long-Lost Camera, Finds 5 Years of Photos Still Intact

We have a category called "Finds" here at PetaPixel, and never does it apply more literally than when we chance upon one of those long-lost-camera-shows-up-x-years-later-with-photos-still-intact stories. Today we have one of those astounding stories for you, featuring a camera lost three years ago that was fished out of Lake Tahoe just last week.

Tuna Fishers Place Camera in Torpedo, Capture Amazing Footage of Dolphins

On Monday, a group of four friends went on a fishing trip in the Pacific Ocean. Taking their boat "A Salt Weapon" 20 miles west of Santa Cruz, Mark Peters, Jeremy, Dave, and William were expecting a fun-filled day of albacore tuna hunting. What they ended up capturing was so much more.

Wanting to save some memories of their trip and film their battles with tuna from underwater, Peters decided to bring along a GoPro Hero 2 camera fitted inside a $50 custom-made torpedo.