
Wingsuit Footage from Egyptian Pyramids

Insane Footage Shows Wingsuit Flight Up Close to Egyptian Pyramids

In a recent adventurous event put together by the team at the RedBull Air Force, wingsuit pilots Fred Fugen, Mike Swanson, and Vincent Cotte donned a new wingsuit design and challenged themselves by doing fly-bys so close to the Pyramids of Giza that they could almost touch the magnificent Egyptian monuments.

UK Parkour Athlete Creates Video Game-Inspired Death-Defying POV Video

Remember back in early July, when we shared a breathtaking POV parkour video shot by athlete James Kingston of the Ampisound team? Many compared that video to the parkour-influenced first person video game Mirror's Edge, and Ampisound was quick to mention that any resemblance was totally and completely intentional.

The team took it to another level in their newest video, however, by dressing team member Neil Cointet up in the same clothes as the game's protagonist Faith Connors and having him go on a little jaunt with a camera attached to his head.