
Tinderella: Portraits of Tinder Dates Insightfully Capture the Awkward World of Online Dating

In the age of the Internet, dating has taken an interesting turn. Some would say it’s for the better, some may say it’s for the worse, but whatever your thoughts, there’s no denying that online dating services are more prevalent ever before -- especially among the younger generation.

Australian photographer Kirra Cheers decided to capture this strange, awkward world by meeting up with and photographing 'matches' she found through the dating/hookup app Tinder. The resulting series Tinderella is interesting, sometimes appalling and surprisingly artful.

Was There Then: The Importance of Dates in Understanding Photography

Put your name and date on everything. That's the first lesson every kindergartener learns in school. Drawings, writing, scratch marks, pinecone Santas, they all get labeled. Kids are taught to do this because name and date are essential in understanding any piece of content. And hopefully it's a habit that remains with them for life. If that pinecone Santa ever makes it into a retrospective, viewers are going to want to know who made it. And more importantly, when.