
Watch Limited Edition Fine Art Prints Sawed to Pieces After an Exhibition

If you love fine art photography, or are a big fan of Alexia Sinclair's work, this is definitely not a video for you. After exhibiting her wonderful "A Frozen Tale" series, the Skoklosters slott museum did what every museum has to do after exhibiting limited edition prints: they hacked them to pieces.

The difference here is that Skoklosters slott attached a camera onto the saw so you could see the horror for yourself.

Canon 1Ds and 400mm f/4 DO IS Lens Sliced Down the Middle

Leica and Sony aren't the only camera companies that slice their cameras and lenses down the middle to give the world a peek at their guts -- Canon does it too. On the first floor of one of its headquarter buildings in Japan is a small museum that has a cross-sectioned Canon 1Ds DSLR and 400mm f/4 DO IS USM lens on display. Back in the day, the camera had a price of $5,500 and the lens cost $8,900, meaning Canon sliced nearly $15,000 of gear in half for this display.