
Rhino Walks Up to Cameraman for a Belly Rub

While shooting for a conservation film about rhino poaching in South Africa, cameraman Garth De Bruno Austin was approached by a wild rhino who was apparently in search of a nice belly rub. The unusual encounter was captured in the 15-second video above.

Using Humidification and Electrostatic Force in Digitizing Old Newspapers

Often when scoping out digitization projects, devising complementary conservation treatments that assist in digital photo capture are challenging aspects of overall workflow design. And so it has been the case with our recent efforts at UConn Library on a set of 19th century Latin American newspapers from the University's archives and special collections.

Photographer Puts Mermaid on 10,000 Plastic Bottles to Raise Awareness

Over the past year or so, photographer Benjamin Von Wong has taken his talent for epic photo shoots and turned it towards trying to raise awareness for "boring" topics like climate change or wildlife conservation. His latest project continues this trend; this time, he's taking on plastic pollution.

Adorable Portraits of Rescued Baby Sloths

Photographer and conservationist Sam Trull originally moved to Costa Rica to study primates... then she met her first sloth. It was Slothlove at first sight, which is, incidentally, also the title of her first photo book dedicated to adorable portraits of rescued sloths.

BTS: Photographing Wildlife in the Land of the Maasai

Photographer Chris Schmid of Morges, Switzerland, recently traveled to Masai Mara, Kenya, to document how the Kenyans living there were helping to preserve their natural environment.

The 3-minute video above is a behind-the-scenes look at Schmid's journey.

Photographer Puts His Beautiful Underwater Photography to Use Saving the Oceans

The oceans are in trouble, and while marine biologists and conservationists and (God help us) politicians are the main advocates for the health of our planet, photographers can also play a role.

One photographer doing his part to help ensure future generations enjoy pristine oceans is Richard Salas, a talented underwater photographer with a decade of underwater photo experience who is currently crowdfunding the last of a trilogy of underwater photobooks that are helping both fund and inspire change.

Underwater Photo Shoot Pairs Model and Manta Ray in Mesmerizing Dance

About a month ago, photographers Shawn Heinrichs and Kristian Schmidt's revolutionary whale shark fashion/conservation shoot went viral on the internet -- using incredible photography to draw attention to the plight of the whale shark.

Following in the footsteps of that project, Heinrichs and Schmidt teamed up again, this time putting together a mesmerizing set of photographs alongside the above video as part of the conservation effort Manta Ray of Hope.

BTS: Documenting Lions in the African Bush For Over Thirty Years

Dereck and Beverly Joubert have spent the past 30 years living among lions in the African country of Botswana, capturing incredible photographs and footage of the majestic creatures that have garnered widespread praise. They are considered two of the world's preeminent experts on the big cats, having created tens of films, books, scientific papers, and articles in National Geographic magazine (along with a list of filmmaking awards, including five Emmys).

CBS' 60 Minutes recently paid a visit to the Joubert's, creating the fascinating video above that shows how the duo live and work, and how they've dedicated their lives to documenting and protecting the cats from human threats.