
A Social Media Cheat Sheet for 2017

Want to win at social media in 2017? The folks over at On Blast Blog did some research on tips, tricks, and best practices, and they've created a helpful cheat sheet infographic with all kinds of helpful nuggets of wisdom.

Useful Social Media Image Size Cheat Sheet, 2017 Edition

There are more ways than ever to get your photography noticed online—from photo sharing platforms like Instagram to online resume site LinkedIn. If you intend to use them all, we definitely suggest you give this handy social media image size infographic a peek.

A Simple Visual Guide to Photographic Lens Filters

If you're just getting started in photography, perhaps you've confused or overwhelmed by the different types of filters that are available for your camera lens. Photo gift company Zippi wants to help you wrap your mind around the concepts more easily, so they created a handy "cheat sheet" infographic that lists out the different kinds of filters on the market along with short explanations and example images showing what the filters do for your shots.

Ultimate Cheat Sheets for Photoshop and Lightroom

Want an ultimate single-page cheat sheet for looking up keyboard shortcuts in Photoshop CC and Lightroom CC? The design team over at setupablogtoday have created just that: massive sheets that you can study and explore to your hearts content.

The Manual Photographer’s Cheat Sheet: A Comprehensive Infographic for Beginners

As beneficial as the more automated style of photography can be at times, nothing quite compares to the control and connection you feel when shooting fully manual. This, however, is not always an easy task... especially when just starting out.

Enter a handy, incredibly detailed little infographic that will make sure you or your beginner photography friends can find their way around no problem.

Cheetyr is the Searchable Photoshop Cheat Sheet You’ve Been Waiting For

Photoshop is a wonderful resource, full of creative potential; to help streamline that creative potential, Adobe has included an insane amount of shortcuts that allow you to easily apply effects, swap tools and perform actions. There's just one issue... there's too many of them to keep track of.

With so many shortcuts for so many different things, it’s sometimes hard to remember the shortcut you need the moment you need it -- unless, of course, you're using Cheetyr.