
New Canon Ad Campaign Takes a Swing at Smartphone Photography

Smartphones have been stealing market share from the big camera manufacturers for years now, and it doesn't seem like it'll stop anytime soon. Naturally, that leads to a healthy fear from companies like Canon and Nikon who, unlike Sony or Samsung, don't have players on both sides.

For its part, Canon has decided to start fighting back in the form of a new advertising campaign with the tagline: "don't let a call interrupt your photo."

Blast From the Past: Canon Ad Shows Off Its Cutting Edge 1989 Still Video Cameras

When cutting edge technology translates into RAW video, 14fps burst capabilities and smartphone megapixel counts in the 40's, it's easy to take it for granted and forget where digital photography started.

So here's a little reminder of what digital photography looked like a couple of decades ago in the form of a Canon ad that boasts the capabilities of its still video systems, the digital camera before digital cameras.